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HP Computer Museum

Technical Desktops

700 Series Selection:

Product Number: A4090A
Introduced: 1992
Price: Unknown
715/33 with MonitorCatalogue Reference: Does not appear


The 715 models were actually two separate series of computers. The first range included the 715/33, 715/50 and 715/75. These machines incorporated the PA-7100 (running at 33 MHz, 50 MHz and 75 MHz respectively). The later range (1993) included the 715/64, 715/80 and 715/100. These computers featured the PA-7100LC (running at 64 MHz, 80 MHz and 100 MHz respectively).

All of the 715 machines had a maximum memory of 256 Mb, except the 715/33 which had a maximum memory of 192 Mb. The later range of 715 computers had the same internal structure as the pizza box 712 range, but with additional expandability.