Commodore 1571 firmware
Utility routines
.subttl 'lccutil.src'
; * utility routines
errr ldy jobn ; return job code
sta jobs,y
lda gcrflg ; test if buffer left gcr
beq errr10 ; no
jsr wtobin ; convert back to binary
jsr trnoff ; start timeout on drive
ldx savsp
txs ; reset stack pointer
jmp top ; back to the top
turnon lda #$a0 ; turn on drive
; drvst=acel and on
sta drvst
lda dskcnt ; turn motor on and select drive
ora #$04 ; turn motor on
sta dskcnt
lda #50 ; delay .4 sec *** rom ds 85 ***
sta acltim
trnoff ldx cdrive ; start time out of current drive
lda drvst ; status=timeout
ora #$10
sta drvst
jmp ptch20 ; setup timers for timeout *rom-05ds 85*
nop ; fill
nop ; fill
; lda #255 ; 255*.025s time out
; sta acltim
; rts